A woman smiles and waves happily while the world is on fire behind her - a metaphor for hiding the fact that one is overwhelmed

Default state: Overwhelmed.

It’s not just you. Things really are harder than they used to be.

NoPlex’s slogan is “Chaos Management for everyone. Optimized for ADHD and anxiety.” It’s tempting to focus on the latter part, but notice the word, “everyone.” NoPlex was designed from day one to be a fantastic option for everyone — whether neurodivergent or neurotypical.

The sheer weight of all the information, expectations, responsibilities, and simultaneous stimuli make our lives nearly impossible to manage. What’s more, our duties as community members, employees, parents, children, siblings, friends, caretakers, volunteers, creative forces, and everything else often conflict in both direct and indirect ways.

How NoPlex Helps Everyone Manage Life’s Chaos

Your Horizon provides a new way to focus and minimize overwhelm.

Your Horizon is a dedicated place for the things that you would like to accomplish in a given day.

While you collect, manage and curate your Tasks in a separate view, you move chosen Tasks into your Horizon on the day you want to address them.

Unnecessary options are removed. You can’t see non-Horizon Tasks. You’re notified only on Horizon Tasks that are running out of time.

Your Tasks take care of themselves.

When Tasks are overdue, they let you know. When they’ve grown old and stale, they let you know. No more “idea hoarding.” No more worrying that you let something crucial slip. No more worrying that you missed a due-date.

Support is there when you need it.

With a single click on any Task, a loved one or friend can receive notifications about your progress (or lack of progress). They can even step in and complete Tasks for you when necessary. Having a little accountability and backup can go a long way.

Routines do the remembering for you.

If you need to prepare for a weekend trip, the Tasks that you need to perform are grouped together as a reusable Routine. Simply schedule it to run the day before you leave.

Routines are great for things like weekend chores, after-school Tasks, and seasonal responsibilities.

Plexies make sure you don’t miss the easy-to-miss things

Do you remember to test your smoke detectors? Schedule dental checkups?

Yeah, neither do we.

NoPlex makes sure you don’t miss anything important. Search by keyword or browse thousands of relevant Tasks that you can add to your Task list with a single click.

A screenshot showing the NoPlex web app

As easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Sign up for NoPlex on the web or download the iOS or Android apps.

  2. If you’re feeling saucy, invite someone to be your Supporter. Learn how

  3. Smile and nod to yourself in the mirror for making a #@#$^@# fantastic decision.